Product Description
Bright Acid Copper Plating Kit
Our new and improved copper plating system now gives constant bright copper plating, that requires little to no polishing after plating.
For the restorer, copper plating must be one of the most useful repair tools there is. By applying layers of copper, and sanding between applications, an incredibly smooth surface can be quickly built up, covering scratches and minor pits caused by corrosion.
The system will plate at 0.0005" - 0.001 (1 mil) per hour at 10-30 Amps/Sq Ft. More extensive repairs can be made by the use of a soldering iron and solder, which can be simply melted into the pits and sanded flat. A final layer of copper plate to seal over the solder filler can then be buffed and polished to a high quality luster. The successive layers of nickel and chrome plate applied to this type of quality substrate, will ensure a 'show quality' finish.
Copper can be used to 'electroform', making complete objects from pure copper, by simply making a mold from wax & conductive powder, copper plating the mold, then melting the wax. Copper can also be formed over lead molds, and the lead melted away afterwards. This has some applications for the person wishing to reproduce decals. Copper plating requires 0.07 - 0.2 amps per square inch of part surface area. Higher current gives faster plating times. The system plates at 70°F-90°F.
1 pint of automotive battery acid is required per 1.5 gallons of copper plating solution.
The copper plate can be applied directly over brass, copper or nickel, but cannot plate directly onto steel, pot metal, zinc or aluminum. There are no cyanides in this kit, and its operation creates no waste chemicals or dangerous fumes. To plate directly onto Steel, Pot Metal, Zinc Die Cast or Lead, use our Flash Copper™ Kit.
The solution can be considered a permanent fixture. The anodes are sacrificial and each supplies sufficient metal to plate approx. 20 sq. ft @ .001". Additional anodes can be ordered separately.
The new part A & B brighteners are used for initial bath makeup. Occasionally adding very small amounts of copper brightener part B will ensure bright, smooth results. Actual consumption of part B is 4oz per 250 amp hours.
To heat the degreaser, we recommend to put the degreaser in a metal tank and heat it on a hot plate.
1.5 Gallon Kit Contains:
- 2 x 2 Gal Plating Tanks & Lids
- 2 x Copper Anodes 4" x 8" and bandages
- 1 Pack Copper Crystals (Makes 1.5 Gals)
- 1 x 1.5oz Copper Brightener A
- 1 x 4oz Copper Brightener B
- 1 x 2lb Pack SP Degreaser (Makes 4 Gal)
- 1 x Pump Filter/Agitator
- The Caswell Plating Manual
- Free Technical Support

Recommended Skill Level

Beginner level products can and should be used by anybody, including those who consider themselves not crafty, handy or hands on. Most beginner level products can be used out of the box and can expect results within minutes. It is always important to read the product instructions and description on the web site before use, for example, nearly all of our plating kits require a polished and clean surface before plating.
Safety Information
GHS Info

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Product Reviews
7 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
A+ product
Immaculate plating results. This is a high quality, easy to use kit at a very competitive price. Highly recommended for anyone wanting to begin electroplating. In addition to this great product Caswells' plating manual and free technical support are both exceptional.
professional results first time out of the box
great kit, with everything needed (except 2 rubber bands) great results the 1st try, and perfect results the 2nd try! Highly recommended as a kit / hobbyist copper plating solution for conductive painted objects...the manual details it all step-by-step
works great
Highly recommended, works great
works great
Great kit , I am very happy with this kit
nice kit
Highly recommended great kit
Arrived quickly and was everything I was expecting will definitely will be ordering again. This product works wonderfully.
A must have for jewlery creations
A must have for jewelry creations. This product will open up a fantastic new technique for the crafter and jewelry creation aficionado. I use it for all of the tasks stated by Caswell but I have also used it bonding the multiple components involved for complicated and intricate copper creations while building my piece up to the desired thickness. It is easy to be selective and choose only the areas or individual components that you want built up by using Caswell’s “Mask-It Masking Lacquer” but I always size my components to allow for a good coating of acid cooper (usually 3 hours min.) using Caswell’s recommendations for a slow build up by lowering my amperage and raising the tank temp. I have found that for the right circumstances this eliminates the need for soldering or gluing and produces superior pieces every time. Take your time and experiment a little and you will see what I am talking about. Happy Plating.
Important Information
Additional Equipment May Be Required
For Our Tank Plating Kits:
- Copper Pipe for tank bar
- Copper Wire to hang items
- Small amount of electrical wire to make connections
- DC Power Supply - Included In Some Kits. Check kit contents on web site
- Optional Rinse Tanks (or rinse over the plating tanks with a water bottle)
- Other minor household items may be required, such as gloves, water etc.
For Our Anodizing Kits:
- DC Power Supply (Standard Kit Only)
- 1 Gal Battery Acid
- Dyes (if desired)
- Optional Rinse Tanks (or rinse over the plating tanks with a water bottle)
- Other minor household items may be required, such as gloves, water etc.
Learn More Before Buying
You can purchase our Caswell Plating Manual and learn how to use the kits, before purchasing a kit. Simply Order Here. When you are ready to buy, we will discount the price of the kit.
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